January 2018

January 29, 2018 - 7:45am
Buying a new mountain bike? You need to decide between bikes with front suspension only (a “hardtail”) or full (front and rear) suspension. We decided to investigate the change in frame loading under...
January 26, 2018 - 8:41am
Buying a new mountain bike? You need to decide between bikes with front suspension only (a “hardtail”) or full (front and rear) suspension. We decided to investigate the change in frame loading under...
January 26, 2018 - 7:45am
For those you who hate to solder or your application demands preattached leads Micro-Measurements offers several options. C2A series gages, CEA W/Option P2 and EA W/Option P all have 10 feet of...
January 25, 2018 - 7:30am
A customer approached us with a skyscraper structural monitoring application that requires user defined alarm and warning triggered events to be sent to the remote operator located thousands of miles...
January 22, 2018 - 7:32am
Our new Aluminum checklist helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a strain measurement task. We all need checklists to keep track of what needs to be done to get an accurate...
January 19, 2018 - 7:47am
Our new glass checklist helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a strain measurement task. Any stress analyst who has to carry around an enormous amount of knowledge and...
January 18, 2018 - 12:36am
Our new CONCRETE / ROCK checklist helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a strain measurement task. Using a checklist can seem tedious and boring, but the practice can save your...
January 16, 2018 - 7:45am
Our new COMPOSITE / PLASTIC / FIBERGLASS checklist helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a strain measurement task. Do you have strain measurements that you need to do again...
January 15, 2018 - 7:45am
Our new steel checklist helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a strain measurement task. By having a checklist any stress analyst can complete repetitive strain measurements...
January 12, 2018 - 3:00pm
In this video, Darryl demonstrates the HS line of Linear Displacement Sensors. These extremely precise displacement sensors require a DC excitation and output a milivolt signal which can be monitored...
