Strain Gage Installation Checklist: CONCRETE / ROCK
Our new CONCRETE / ROCK checklist helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a strain measurement task.
Using a checklist can seem tedious and boring, but the practice can save your test by improving efficiency and minimizing mistakes. Using a checklist when testing concrete or rock is a good way to start your strain measurement on the right foot.
It is not just making sure that the recipe of using a strain gage is completed. The checklist allows the stress analyst to think ahead; what are the ways which things can go wrong in their measurements? Are we prepared for them? And only then, proceeding.
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Committee C09 focuses on developing standard test methods and guidelines for concrete and other aggregate type materials. Concrete materials present unique challenges for strain measurement, because the aggregate can skew results dependent on the size strain gage sensor used. Micro-Measurements has developed a line of gage sizes expressly intended for use on concrete structures. These include 1", 2" and 4" gage lengths, suitable for making reliable average measurements on practically any concrete material. Micro-Measurements also offers a strain sensor specifically intended to be embedded in concrete castings for long term monitoring. The EGP-5-350 is a rugged device, capable of withstanding the trauma of having tons of concrete poured around it, and still providing years of precision strain measurement. ASTM C39 (Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens) describes procedures for measuring the compressive strength of concrete specimens.
Our checklist should provide you reminders of only the most important steps in your strain measurements process, rather than trying to spell out everything—after all, a checklist can't do your job for you or any other stress analyst. And above all, a checklist should be practical.
Our new checklist is simply a standardized list of the required steps developed for a repetitive strain measurement task on concrete/rock:
Step 1: Define the Test Conditions
Step 2: Ensure Appropriate Surface Preparation Materials Are On Hand
Step 3: Select the Strain Sensor
Step 4: Select the Adhesive
Step 5: Select a Protective Coating
Step 8: Select the Measurement Instrumentation
Strain Gage Installation Checklist:
Strain Sensor Reference Guide:
More relevant info about testing concrete/rock:
Installing foil strain gage sensors on concrete and other irregular surfaces.
Strain gage sensors “in” concrete – the hard facts.
Testing the strength and material properties of concrete samples.
Moving mountains with the help of strain gages: