After we mark the location we would like to bond the strain gage , Conditioner A should be applied repeatedly, and the surface scrubbed with cotton tipped applicators until a clean tip is no longer discolored by the scrubbing. During this process the surface should be kept constantly wet with Conditioner A until the cleaning is completed. Keep contaminants lifted during the abrading process in suspension until they are ready to be removed by never allowing cleaning solutions to dry on the surface. When clean, the surface should be dried by wiping through the cleaned area with a single slow stroke of a gauze sponge. The stroke should begin inside the cleaned area to avoid dragging contaminants in from the boundary of the area. Then, with a fresh sponge, a single slow stroke is made in the opposite direction. The sponge should never be wiped back and forth, since this may redeposit the contaminants on the cleaned surface. The final step in surface preparation is to bring the surface condition back to an optimum alkalinity of 7.0 to 7.5pH, which is suitable for all Micro-Measurements strain gage adhesive systems. This should be done by liberally applying M-Prep Neutralizer 5A to the cleaned surface, and scrubbing the surface with a clean cotton-tipped applicator. The cleaned surface should be kept completely wet with Neutralizer 5A throughout this operation. When neutralized, the surface should be dried by wiping through the cleaned area with a single slow stroke of a clean gauze sponge. With a fresh sponge, a single stroke should then be made in the opposite direction, beginning with the cleaned area to avoid recontamination from the uncleaned boundary. If the foregoing instructions are followed precisely, the surface is now properly prepared for gage bonding, and the gage or gages should be installed as soon as possible.
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