Strain Gage Sensor Selection

How do you determine which strain gage sensor to use?  

There are a number of important considerations when selecting a strain gage sensor.  These include, but are not limited to, knowledge for the state of strain, required accuracy, type of strain measurement application (static, dynamic, post-yield, etc.), test duration test environment, specimen material, and available installation space.  Our application data form 805-FRM173A, “Strain Gage Application Requirements”, is a useful tool which can help us guide you to the proper gage selection.  Request a copy by contacting an applications specialist at +1-919-365-3800. Another good resource for selecting strain gage sensors is Tech Note TN-505-4, “Strain Gauge Selection:  Criteria, Procedures and Recommendations”. It provides additional details for proper selection of a strain gage for your application.

  A copy is available from our website

ssmith's picture

Steve Smith

Technical Sales Manager