Strain Gage Install on Glass: What Works Best?
We recently received the following feedback from a customer regarding a successful installation of strain gages (gauges) on glass:
“Thanks for all the help in solving my strain gage adhesion problem. I have somewhat of unique conditions in attaching strain gages on the ceramic enamel fired automotive windshield glass. As I mentioned, the tests are to be conducted at room temperature and the strain will be less than 1,000 micro strain. Other conditions are because the product is a laminate using PVB interlayer, any adhesive cure or burn off temperature cannot exceed 200oF, which will cause the interlayer to develop bubbles. Also, we cannot “frost” the glass using hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acids as they will eliminate or etch minute defects in the glass substrate and increase the strength, which we are trying to determine. As mentioned we also cannot sand or abrade the glass substrate, which will result in a significant reduction in strength."
"I had excellent results using the AE-10 adhesive. As per your recommendation, I aggressively cleaned the surface using the CSM degreaser. At first the degreaser beaded; however, I continued degreasing at least five times or until the degreaser appeared to flow and not bead up. Doing this procedure and following the MM instructions in the strain gage installation worked fine. Again, thanks for all you help and support.”
When you need advice about a challenging strain measurement application, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Micro-Measurements. Help is an email away at .
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