Option Selection

What options are available that I can select for a particular foil strain sensor? 

Particular options for specific gages are ordered by appending the option name to the end of the sensor description. An example is: CEA-06-250UW-350/P2.  The base gage is CEA-06-250UW-350. The option is Option P2, which is a 10 foot long; vinyl insulated lead wire pre-attached to the strain sensor.  A “/” mark separates the option from the parent strain gage sensor, and also separates multiple options, should there been more than one.  Due to compatibility reasons, not all options are available on all gage configurations. Because of insulation temperature limitations, an example is applying Option P2 (described above) to a high-temperature gage. The data sheet for a particular gage shows a list of available options for that gage.  Although options tend increase the strain sensor cost, in the long run options can save a considerable amount of time, thus lowering the overall installation cost. You can always contact our Application Specialists to help you decide which makes sense for your application. Tech Note TN-505-4, “Strain Gage Selection:  Criteria, Procedures, Recommendations,” provides a list of current options as well as information on selecting a strain gage for you application. A copy is available from the following link to our website: http://www.vishaypg.com/doc?11055

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Steve Smith

Technical Sales Manager