The normal method of accurately locating and orienting a strain gage sensor on the test surface is to first mark the surface with a pair of crossed reference lines at the point where the strain measurement is to be made. The lines are made perpendicular to one another, with one line oriented in the direction of strain measurement. The gage is then installed so that the triangular index marks defining the longitudinal and transverse axes of the grid are aligned with the reference lines on the test surface. The reference, or layout, lines should be made with a tool that burnishes, rather than scores or scribes, the surface. A scribed line may raise a burr or create a stress concentration. In either case, such a line can be detrimental to strain gage performance and to the fatigue life of the test part. On aluminum and most other nonferrous alloys, a 4H drafting pencil is a satisfactory and convenient burnishing tool. However, graphite pencils should never be used on high temperature alloys, where the operating temperature might cause a carbon embrittlement problem. On these and other hard alloys, burnished alignment marks can be made with a ballpoint pen or a round-pointed brass rod. Layout lines are ordinarily applied following the abrading operation and before final cleaning. All residue from the burnishing operation should be removed by scrubbing with Conditioner A.
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