In-House Training- Two-Day or Three-Day?
When a customer has a large number of staff members who need training on strain gage technology, Micro-Measurements can conduct workshops at their facilities. This alleviates having a large number of key employees off-site as well as all the travel time and expense involved coming to our factory training facility in North Carolina. Typical workshop attendees range from technicians, design and test engineers and managers with varying skill sets ranging from determining the type and location of gages, installing the gages, conducting the tests, as well as analyzing the data. The table below will facilitate a decision on which workshop would be better; the 2-day for those involved mostly with the hands-on installation or the 3-day which includes additional information on data acquisition and data reduction.
Both the two-day and three-day workshops are a combination of theoretical lecture and hands on exercise to provide sufficient variety to maintain attendee interest and focus. These workshops not only hone the skills of those directly involved in strain measurement projects on a routine basis but can add to the knowledge base and skill set for those indirectly involved giving them the basic skill set to better understand strain gage installation process and more eyes can help spot an installation problem before committing to an expensive test.
Below is a chart comparing the topics between these two workshops at a glance. Note that the presentation order of the topics will be different between the two workshops to break-up the time between lecture and hands-on work.
For more information on strain gage technology workshops available from Micro-Measurements, see the full offering at this link:
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