如何解决风电齿轮箱研制中检验修形效果的难点?How to solve the difficulties of modification evaluation during the design of a wind turbine gearbox

1.  通过应变片测试法来得到齿根部位的弯曲应力。

2.  使用通用型小尺寸的应变片。

3.  Micro-Measurements 的防护涂层M-Coat A提供优异的防潮和防化学侵蚀性能。


  1. By strain measuring method to get the tooth root bending stress site.

  2. The use of general-purpose small strain gages.

  3. Protective Coating M-Coat A

    Stress distribution in a spur gear is unique. The spur gears are subjected to a horizontal bending normal stress and vertical shear stress, both of which are perpendicular to the tooth direction. The helical gear teeth are subjected to two stresses in the same direction as the spur gears, but also in a vertical plane in the tooth. The shear stress is not large. Under normal circumstances, you can use the spur gear fatigue test results for reference to the helical gear fatigue strength design. Since the fatigue fracture is mainly due to the bending stress, then in addition to some special circumstances, it is only necessary to check the bending normal stress. In view of this, it is appropriate to measure the bending strength by some means to measure the uniaxial stress (bending normal stress).  The bending strain along the length of the tooth is measured by the application of three strain gages, one on each end of the tooth, and one in the middle.

xuyue's picture

Yue Xu
