It’s Make Or Break Time! Tensile Testing For Material Properties.

Material properties are essential to understand for every structure and design. They enable structural predictions to be made, for example in FEA (finite element analysis), to ensure the right materials are used for strength, reliability, weight, longevity and failure prevention. There are various test methods and standards, with the most common being tensile testing.


A sample of material is manufactured to the desired specifications (size, length, grip section). This is mounted in a tensile tester (often referred to as a universal tester) and the sample is progressively loaded until failure.


Load is measured with a strain gauge-based load cell and strain is measured in the sample. By far the most accurate way of measuring strain is with strain gauges bonded directly to the specimen. They give repeatable, consistent and reliable measurements time after time, with demonstrable benefits over mechanical extensometers and non-contact optical measurements.


Many gauge configurations are available, with some patterns specifically for tensile testing. For example the UB pattern, available with 1.5, 3 and 6mm (062, 125 and 250”) grids, is ideal where there is limited space to mount the strain gauge.


Micro-Measurements strain gauges are increasingly manufactured using our Advanced Sensors Technology for best-in-class performance and gauge-to-gauge repeatability.


Introduction to ASTM Standards (Tension, Fatigue, Shear, Compression) , Composites and Strain Gages?


ASTM D3039 Tensile Testing for Advanced Composite Materials.


ASTM D3039: Poisson Ratio using a Strain Gage


UB Strain Gauge Series



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Anton Chittey

United Kingdom